HIC President Position Description


HIC Position Description

HIC President


HIC Missions







Advocacy for recognition defence and full implementation of housing rights

§ Whistle Blower

§ Think Tank

§ Influencing housing policies and habitat agendas

§ Summing forces in WSF spheres

– Chair General Assembly and Board Meetings

– Communicate and represent HIC on global level

– Lead and orientate HIC declarations and be main spokesperson for HIC

– Attend WSF-IC commissions and meetings

– Lead the HIC spokesperson team

Strengthening  the people’s processes for a place to live in dignity

§ Articulating members´ experiences

§ Articulating actions with allies

– Be up to date on HIC matters

– Bridge actions with other networks


– Make calls for solidarity

– Denounce housing rights violations

– Attend events and campaigns of the allies

– Support specific issues of HIC members

Consolidating the Coalition

§ Cultivate HIC identity

§ Permanent evaluation

§ Management of the Coalition


– Represent HIC identity as the Coalition’s spokesperson

– Communicate motivational messages to the Coalition

– Be in permanent contact with the General Secretariat

– Provide periodical open letters to the Coalition

– Supervise the execution of Board decisions with support of the Executive Committee

– Attend HIC structures’ meetings and support their independent fundraising





Covering all the functions


– Annual plan

– Annual report

– Open letters