HIC will be joining the 2024 High Level Political Forum to oversee Voluntary National Reviews by countries and to participate on discussions around how to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda from a habitat related Human Rights perspective.
> Drawing a clear connection between climate justice, housing and habitat
The 2024 HLPF will hold the review of progress regarding five SDGs, including SDG 1 on ending poverty and SDG 13 on Climate Action. It is an apt occasion to reinforce long standing calls for a strong commitment for all climate related policies and initiatives to be grounded on the principles of climate justice.
This entails acknowledging that climate impacts are unequally produced and distributed across geographies and historical trajectories, across class, gender, race and age. Climate justice calls for long term mitigation and adaptation strategies, along with radical change against the production and reproduction of social and environmental injustices. It also calls for recognizing and addressing the asymmetry between responsibilities and impacts for climate change.
A just transition is possible but calls for fundamental changes to the reigning free market economy, to profit making based on extractivism and accumulation through dispossession, to export-oriented economies that rely on ever-expanding ecological footprints and lengthy supply chains, appropriating natural resources and services from afar. It requires solidarity and collective action, innovation, accountability, and responsibility.
Cities and organized civil society are already forging ahead, developing concrete and bold, climate action plans locally. The challenge ahead of us is not just to build resilience through local climate action but, more radically, to localize climate justice as an existential and universal human need and aspiration.

> Advancing climate justice from a habitat rights perspective
Building upon its work on climate justice over the years, HIC calls for climate action to be grounded on climate justice and the realization of habitat related Human Rights. Five points structure our call to action:

Fair redistribution and access to international climate finance and people’s control over climate financing mechanisms, including the loss and damage fund

Recognition and action to tackle the highly unequally produced impacts of climate change, with disproportionate negative impacts across gender, race and age;

Democratizing the decisions to address the causes and consequences of climate change;

Acknowledging that climate justice requires both conflict-sensitive climate change policies and climate-proof peacebuilding;

That climate justice requires nurturing care and solidarity, but also responsibility and accountability

> New podcast episode on how HIC and its Members are advancing Climate Justice

Civil society organizations from different corners of the world came together to exchange knowledge and practices to advocate for climate justice in the HIC Co-learning Space of Climate Justice whose aim has been inspiring each other and strategizing together to advance climate justice locally, regionally and also globally.
HIC’s Co-learning Space on Climate Justice is the seed of this podcast episode that will navigate the listeners through a comprehensive understanding of climate change, climate justice, and the necessary steps to advocate for the climate actions we need.
This is the summary of the HIC Climate Justice cross-regional exchange sessions that brought together 125 HIC Members, Friends and Allies.
- If you want to know more about common struggles
- Feel inspired by strategies of climate justice across the world
- Understand the legal, policy, and human rights framework of climate justice
Then this podcast is for you.

Advancing climate justice and habitat rights towards the Summit of the Future in September:
This year’s HLPF, has an additional relevance as it is situated in between the 2023 SDG Summit and the upcoming Summit for the Future, which have the combined mandate of accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and renewing multilateral governance and decision-making structures.
Although current drafts of outcome documents still have shortcomings and limitations, we celebrate the acknowledgement of climate justice in the current draft of the Declaration on Future Generations!
However, in a scenario where drafts are still void of any mention related to housing and land, we reaffirm our calls for:
- A bottom-up, flexible and open consultative process ahead of the Summit for the Future, under the ECOSOC framework;
- A strong commitment to Habitat related Human Rights in the Pact for the Future, particularly through the inclusion of the human right to adequate housing, through approaches that actively end housing unaffordability caused by financialization of housing;
- Grounding the Pact’s commitment on a human rights approach, also advancing mechanisms for accountability and responsibilization regarding human rights violations, holding both States, corporate and private actors accountable
Read more about our position ahead of the Summit for the Future here.

HIC’s agenda at the HLPF 2024
🗓️Tuesday, 9th of July, 8:30h EDT (Check your local time here)
Please register through this Zoom registration form.
Interpretation in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.This event brings together diverse perspectives that address locally embedded human rights strategies for sustainable food systems, contributing to the review of SDG 2 (zero hunger) and 13 (climate action) at the 2024 High Level Political Forum. Through showcasing policies and initiatives co-created by communities and governments, this event will spotlight the potential of collaborative efforts in the face of urban challenges like land commodification, gentrification, and corporate influence. By fostering dialogue among diverse actors, including grassroots organizations and local and regional public authorities, we aim to identify both the barriers and opportunities for advancing such partnerships. Ultimately, by centering food sovereignty within the broader discourse on territorial climate action, we can strive towards a more just and sustainable future for all.

About the HLPF
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) is the United Nations central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Celebrated every year, the forum provides the opportunity for States Members to report on their progress in advancing the 2030 Agenda, as well as for the review of overall progress of each SDG.
The 2024 HLPF will be held from Monday, 8 July, to Wednesday, 17 July 2024, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. The theme will be “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.
The HLPF 2024 will review progress on SDG 1, SDG 2, SDG 13, SDG 16, and SDG 17 considered in a cross-cutting manner. It will support follow-up to the 2023 SDG Summit’s political declaration and contribute to the preparations for the Summit of the Future in September. Thirty-eight countries will present their VNRs.
Follow us on social media for more information about our participation in the HLPF 2023.
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
HIC realiza incidencia dentro del Sistema de Desarrollo Sostenible, con un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos para supervisar y evaluar los compromisos de los Estados relacionados con las cuestiones del hábitat y los derechos humanos asociados.
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Habitat Rights in the International System
– Transversalización de la relación con los derechos del hábitat
– Rendición de cuentas con los países
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New Urban Agenda
HIC se ha comprometido a contribuir a la implementación de la Nueva Agenda Urbana (NAU), la tercera Agenda Hábitat global desde 1976, a nivel internacional, nacional y local. HIC contribuyó activamente durante el proceso de redacción de la NAU, que servirá como directriz para el desarrollo urbano durante los próximos veinte años. La clave para la incidencia relacionada con la NAU es garantizar la alineación con las obligaciones en materia de Derechos Humanos. Puedes leer algunos de los mensajes clave de HIC preparados para la revisión quinquenal de la implementación de la NUA.
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Justicia Climática
HIC está comprometida e involucrada en la lucha por la Justicia Climática, haciendo un llamado para que sea tratada y promulgada como un Derecho Humano relativo al Hábitat fundamental . Este llamado se basa en los cinco pilares del Manifiesto Voces del Hábitat de HIC, que vincula la igualdad, los derechos humanos individuales y colectivos, y las responsabilidades históricas del cambio climático como una cuestión política y ética urgente.
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Igualdad de Género
HIC refuerza su fuerza social y su capacidad para influir en el progreso de hacer transversal el género y los derechos humanos relativos al hábitat. La intención es integrar plenamente el ODS 5 y las obligaciones y recomendaciones generales de la CEDaW con el compromiso de HIC con la igualdad de género en todos los objetivos organizativos de HIC.
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Soberanía alimentaria
HIC realiza incidencia por la soberanía alimentaria situando a las personas que producen, distribuyen y consumen alimentos en el centro de las decisiones sobre sistemas y políticas alimentarias, en lugar de las exigencias de los mercados y las corporaciones, principalmente en el Comité Internacional de Planificación sobre Soberanía Alimentaria.
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Desplazamientos y crisis
HIC-HLRN supervisa y recopila datos sobre violaciones de los derechos a la vivienda y a la tierra para dar visibilidad y proponer soluciones a los casos. Las crisis de desplazamiento resultantes no sólo crean preocupantes consecuencias logísticas y humanitarias, sino que además amenazan la seguridad internacional y ponen en peligro la vida de las personas desplazadas, trabajadores humanitarios, defensores-as de los derechos humanos y las fuerzas de mantenimiento de la paz.
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