Huairou Commission, will be in China with a team of nearly 30 grassroots women leaders and representatives, and is pleased that they are going to be active, together with its key partners, in a large number of events during this momentous WORLD URBAN FORUM 4 from November 3-6- highlighting the fact that: GRASSROOTS WOMEN ARE AT THE HEART OF HARMONIOUS CITIES AROUND THE WORLD! List of Huairou Commission Events at WUF IV
NETWORKING EVENTS: 3 November: 16:30-18:30 Room MR 301 – Transferring Best Practices: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean; UN-HABITAT/ROLAC, Fundacin Hbitat Colombia, BSHF and the Ibero-American Forum for Best Practices. Haydee Rodriguez will represent Huairou Commission. 3 November : 14.00 -16.00 : Room MR417A – Humanitarian Dimension of Urbanization: Disaster risk reduction and urban resilience; UN-HABITAT-Disaster, Post-Conflict and Safety Section, Huairou Commission and others. 4 November 16.30-18.30 : Room EXB 103 – Strengthening Grassroots Knowledge and Policy Impact: Huairou Commission’s secretariat member, GROOTS International, will highlight the results of the Cebu City Academy, to demonstrate how grassroots women’s groups are building harmonious and resilient cities in the face of increasing natural disasters. Results of past Academies will be shared to show the positive impacts of grassroots women’s issues and strategies on human settlements, when transferred and brought to scale. 4 November : 14.00-16.00 : Room MR209 – Linking Gender, Local Governance, and Violence Prevention – Women in Cities International (Huairou Commission member), UN-Habitat Safer Cities Programme, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and Huairou Commission. 5 November : 14.00-16.00 : Room MR 209 – Grassroots Women: At the Heart of Harmonious Cities: Huairou Commission will give space to grassroots women from around the world to share innovative practices developed to secure their and their communities’ access to land, housing and other assets, within the contexts of governance, disaster risk resilience, evictions and HIV/AIDS. ROUND TABLES: 3 November : 14.00-17.00 : Room MR 303B – Gender Roundtable: Women and Harmonious Cities: To share women’s important role in sustainable cities; UNHABITAT Gender Mainstreaming Unit and partners, including Huairou Commission; Lorna Chavez of Legazpi Slumdwellers Association, Philippines will present on behalf of Huairou Commission. 4 November : 14:00-17:00 : Room MR 303B – Global Land Tool Network Roundtable: To share normative work completed by network members and discuss options for operationalzing these. UN-HABITAT Global Land Tool Network and partners, including Huairou Commission; Ayse Yonder of Pratt Institute will be presenting for Huairou Commission. TRAINING EVENTS: 4 November : 9.00-12.00 : Room MR 201 – Alternatives to Forced Evictions: Sustainable Settlement Strategies The Huairou Commission will also be collaborating with the Institute for Housing Studies of the Netherlands, COHRE, UN-HABITAT and Huairou Commission: Marilu Sanchez, from Estrategia, Peru , Huairou Commission member, will act as a trainer in this session. 6 November : 9.00-12.00 : Room MR 206 – Local to Local Training: Huairou Commission, GROOTS Kenya UCOBAC; The three-hour training will be led by grassroots and NGO members of Huairou Commission, experienced in designing, implementing and following-up Local to Local Dialogues in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. SEMINAR SERIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS: 4 November 9.00 -11.00: Room MR413 – UNHABITAT Seminar Series on Urban Innovations: Urban Safety and Security and the Poor in Asia Pacific; UN-HABITAT Safer Cities Programme and UNESCAP. Tessie Fernandez, Lihok Phlippina and Kouh Sina, Urban Poor Women Development will represent Huairou Commission. 5 November : 9.00-12.00 : Room M301: Special Session: UN-Habitat Gender Equality Action Plan; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway and UNHABITAT; Gathering of stakeholders, including Huairou Commission, to identify the priority areas for UN-Habitat gender equality action plan and provide inputs to the draft framework prepared. DIALOGUES: 5 November : 10.00-12.30 : Auditorium Floor 1 – Dialogue 4: Harmonizing the Built and Natural Environments – Focused on reducing urban poverty and addressing the challenge of slums by improving the environmental living conditions- linkages will include with climate change and urbanization. UN-HABITAT and partners, including Huairou Commission; Ana Lucy Bengochea of Cooperative Las Brumas, Honduras, will represent Huairou Commission. SIDE EVENTS: (all listed here by invitation only) 4 November : 18.30 – 20:00 : Room MR 206 – Taking the Gender Mechanism further: What does upscaling mean for grassroots women? – This Side Event will be an opportunity to brainstorm on land tool upscaling form a grassroots women’s perspective; UNHABTIAT Global Land Tool Network and Huairou Commission, hosts. 5 November : 12:30 – 14:00 : Room MR 206 – Taking the Gender Mechanism further: How can grassroots women be involved in piloting evaluation criteria? – review the criteria and determine ways of utilizing the criteria; UNHABITAT Global Land Tool Network and Huairou Commission, hosts. WOMEN’S CAUCUS: 4 and 5 November : 8.00-9.00 : MR 206 – Women’s Caucus – Hosted by Nanjing Women’s Federation and Consult for Women’s Land Rights, India; with Huairou Commission and others. |