We invite all HIC Members and Friends to share
their initiatives (activities, articles, documents, news, photos, videos, etc)
on HIC-GS website and social networks (facebook, twitter, flickr y youtube).
Each of you can publish directly through the Member Space. The General Secretariat team will review the
material in order to publish it. That easy!
For that, you have to access the Member Space with
your codes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact Isabel, communications officer, of the General Secretariat team at gs@hic-net.org.
Steps to follow:
1. Copy and paste the following link
in your web browser:
http://hic-net.org/membership/login.php. This link is also available
through the HIC website, by clicking on the last item of
the Membership drop-down menu: Member
Space Login.
2. Enter your access codes into the
login frame:
Username: xxxx
Password: xxx
3. Click on “Login”
4. Click on “Your contributions
to HIC”, a new screen will be displayed.
5. Click on “Your
activities”, and then click on “Click
here to add a new item“, where you can fill out and share your
The Member Space, a platform for HIC members with access codes.This space was
created to facilitate exchanges between members and it provides an opportunity
to actively participate in advancing the Coalition’s mission, struggles and
you for helping to build the Coalition!