1. Welcome speech
Lorena Zárate, HIC President.??Thanked all who were
present and said it was exciting to have the Assembly in Nairobi. She explained
the agenda, how a General Assembly worked; because she observed that a number
of HIC members representatives had not been to any HIC assembly. This was done because the agenda needed to be
approved before the meeting began. There would be presentations of different
reports for members to know what each one is doing. After the break, there would
be an open discussion on ideas, proposals, challenges, initiatives etc. This
would be followed by an agreement on how to move forward. She asked for
proposals on what people felt had been omitted from the Agenda.
Lamba, HIC Wisdom Keeper. Welcomed
the assembly to Nairobi. He stated that the HIC constitution required a face to
face General Assembly once a year. They held a lot of online meetings. He noted
that success had been realized by piggy backing on global activities. He announced that Mazingira
Institute and Pamoja
* Click here to download the complete minutes.