Participate to the “Just Sanitation for African Cities” campaign!


The Overdue Team from the Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU) has launched a very important campaign“Just Sanitation for African Cities”.

The Campaign “Just Sanitation for African Cities” aims to mobilise a wide range of sanitation actors ahead of the SDG Summit in New York, where progress towards SDG6 will be discussed, to collectively draft and endorse a regional Call for Action.

This Call for Action emerges from the processes and outcomes of the OVERDUE action-research project, which was conducted over 3 years (2021-2023) in 7 African cities: Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Antananarivo (Madagascar), Beira (Mozambique), Bukavu (DRC), Freetown (Sierra Leone), Mwanza (Tanzania) and Saint-Louis (Senegal). It is a campaign that is deeply grounded in localised action, coming from the makers and users of off-grid and on-grid sanitation across urban Africa, who commit, recognise, act, valorise and engender in the draft Call for Action for the implementation of 13 action points to advance just sanitation and achieve SDG6.

The acronym C.R.A.V.E. – which stands for the verbs commit, recognise, act, valorise and engender – emphasises that this campaign walks the talk.

All 13 action points are embracing a feminist approach that acknowledges the particular needs, aspirations and capacities of women, girls, and those whose voices and identities are usually under-recognised in debates on sanitation.

Join the conversation on social media from today:


LINKEDIN : @OVERDUE Just Sanitation


INSTAGRAM: @overdue_justsanitation

You can also join the campaign with a video, text or audio

Please share a video, text or audio telling what you C.R.A.V.E!

The Overdue team will use these videos, texts and audios as endorsements to the campaign and build towards the September meeting that will be held.

Here are some examples

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