Pastoralists in Angola have submitted a petition to protest against the encirclement of the Bicuar Park, situated in the south of Huíla province. This park was declared natural park only in 1964, long after those lands had been traditionally used for transhumance by pastoral communities.
After failed attempts of negotiation with the Municipal Administration, the pastoral leaders had appealed to the governor, among other institutions, and to the Presidency of the Republic.
In an unusual practice, Huíla Province governor will meet with the pastoralists, and the meeting will take place in Chibemba local adminsitration, on 14 October 2010.
If the pastoralists do not come out satisfied from the meeting, they threaten to go all the way to the national sovereign bodies in Luanda to make their case. We are circulating their letter [unofficial translation]. Please click here for the (unofficial translation of the) petition in English.