In the lead
up to World Habitat Day on October 1st, WITNESS was proud to announce a new
video “People Before Profit” – bringing communities across the world together
to tell the global story of forced evictions. WITNESS has supported campaigns
on forced evictions for more than 10 years. During this time, these projects
have amplified the voices of communities across the world.
For World
Habitat Day, the organization is bringing many of these voices together for the
first time to tell another story. Specifically produced for local communities
facing forced evictions as a solidarity-building tool, the video was screened
at WUF 6 during the session on Forced Evictions.
Click here to see the video.
Click here to see the multilingual version, currently in 7 language with 4
more on the way!
Get Involved!
Please watch the video and share it.
You can also help us reach more people with People Before Profit by volunteering to translate the video. If you’d like to help with
translations, please get in touch with Jackie Zammuto via email at jackie [at]
witness [dot] org or on Twitter @jackiezammuto.