Dear HIC Members, Friends and Contacts,
Please find hereunder the Report of the Elections of the Europe Representative at the HIC Board. The Report has been drafted by the Electoral Committee in charge of this process.
Kind regards,
Report of Election:
On behalf of the Electoral Committee, I have the pleasure to announce the results of the elections of Europe Representative at the HIC Board for the period 2016-2020.
According to the information provided by the General Secretariat and following the decision of the Electoral Committee to extend the right to vote, 15 organizations had the right to vote in this election.
We received a total of 7 votes, from which 6 were valid. One organization voted although not having the right to vote. This vote was thus invalidated.
The final results are:
4 votes for Mr. Alexandre Apsan Frediani (The Bartlett DPU)
2 votes for Mrs Maartje van Eerd (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies)
These 6 valid votes represent the participation of 40% of the voting members and meet the required quorum of 10% of the roster of voters.
The electoral committee certifies the validity of this electoral process, as described in the guidelines for electoral processes.
According to these results, Mr. Alexandre Apsan Frediani is elected as Representative for Europe at the HIC Board for the period 2016-2020 and Mrs Maartje van Eerd is elected as the Alternate.
Congratulations to Alexandre and Maartje!
Best regards,
Electoral Committee
Charlène Lemarié, Coordinadora (Habitat en Mouvement)
Pascale Thys (Habitat et Participation)
Jan Robra (urbaMonde)