El Salvador, Colombia, Argentina, December 19, 2018
Members of the HIC Board
General Secretary
Wisdom Keepers
Coordinators of HIC Structures
Subject: Results of the election of Latin America regional representatives to the HIC Board for the period 2018-2022
Dear Friend and Companions,
We are pleased to inform you that the electoral process for the election of the Latin America Representatives to the HIC Board for the period 2018-2022 has successfully concluded.
As stipulated, both the nomination and the voting processes were carried out via email.
Three people were nominated, representatives of HIC Member organizations, of which 2 accepted their nomination. Of the total of 38 organizations with voting rights registered on the roster at the time of the election, 36 entities from 12 countries participated in this process: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
The quorum of this election is, therefore, 94.73%.
The result of the vote was as follows:
1) ANA PASTOR, Asociación Civil Madre Tierra, Argentina: 22 votes
2) RAMIRO GARCÍA, Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo (DESCO),Perú: 13 votes
Note: of the total of 36 votes cast, one ballot arrived the day after the close of voting. This vote is considered as invalid.
This result, according to what is established in the By Law to guarantee gender balance, indicates that Ana Pastor will act as titular member, while Ramiro García will act as alternate.
We thank all the HIC Members of the region for their participation and we congratulate our elected colleagues, and we are sure that they will undertake this representation with great enthusiasm and responsibility.
Receive cordial greetings,
Regional Electoral Committee
Jacqueline Ivón Martínez Rivas, FUNDASAL, El Salvador
Cecilia Inés Moreno Jaramillo, CEHAP, Colombia
Guillermo Marzioni, FTV, Argentina