October 1, 2005
Dear friends,
I received a very urgent request for solidarity from Wardah Hafidz, coordinator of Urban Poor Linkage, a network covering 14 Indonesian cities including Jakarta.
Incredible as it may seem, UN Habitat will give an award to the city of Jakarta(http://www.unhabitat.org/whd/2005/2005_award_winners.asp) which has been run by Governor Sutiyoso since 1997 and has become infamous for his brutal and massive evictions of the houses of the urban poor and the confiscation of their means of livelihood like pedicabs and the goods and stalls of sidewalk vendors.
Below is Ms. Wardah Hafidz’s letter to UNHABITAT Director Tibaijuka.
After her letter is a sample you may find useful.
Please write to Ms. Tibaijuka to show your displeasure at what the UNHabitat is about to do. Broadcast this news to your country’s media.
In solidarity,
Ted Anana
Eviction Watch ACHR coordinator