This course explores the normative content (substance) and practical application of a single right within the larger human rights framework. It presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the human right to adequate housing (HRAH) as provided in international treaty law and further developed over the past forty years. Following a review of the theoretical dimensions of standard setting arising from the human right to housing, the course “unpacks” the content of the human right to adequate housing as defined in soft law instruments and international jurisprudence. The course then covers the legal specification of state obligations and violations. It explores the emerging standards and further codification efforts, evolving HRAH claims, and the crucial human rights dimensions of land.
Proceeding to the practical application of the right, the course demonstrates how the norms provide a framework and method for monitoring, litigation, policy analysis, advocacy, project implementation, conflict resolution, cooperation with treaty bodies and other human rights mechanisms, as well as other means for the purpose of problem solving. Students then will apply these tools in context. Thus, the curriculum follows a course from theory to practical application, whereby students have the chance to apply the right to various real-world situations, including those related to gender, conflict/ occupation, development, migration/displacement, privatization, urban social movements, rural contexts, minorities and indigenous peoples, among others.
To download the pdf containing the Objectives, methodology and materials, click here.