- Analize, and make visible the initiatives that have emerged from different sectors and scales of civil society that seek to respond to the emergency in popular neighbourhoods.
- Generate synergies and coordinating efforts that capitalize on the immediate response to promote renewed alliances that catapult the integral improvement of neighbourhoods centred on care and dignity.
The data provided will be used as input for visualizations, computer graphics, videos, publications, etc. that can be disseminated at the community level and that can inform collective action.
In order to face the emergency and collectively imagine a post-pandemic future, it is necessary to generate and consolidate a global network of solidarity and empathy.
Have a look at the Map of networks and initiatives that is being built, and if you are developing an initiative that could be included in this mapping, click here to submit your initiative and join the campaign!
Launched in 2019, COiNVITE is the first prototype of a platform experimenting with multiple partners the intersection of transmedia storytelling, urban learning, and co-design. COiNVITE brings together methodological and pedagogical tools for advocating for shifting narratives about the intervention in self produced neighbourhoods while localising SDG 11 and 17, the New Urban Agenda and the Right to the City Agenda. The initiative, led by the Development Planning Unit (DPU-UCL), joins a diverse range of partners: Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), the Platform for Urban Habitat and Housing Practices (UHPH), the National University of Colombia, the University of the Andes and the University of Boulder and others