The electoral process for the election of the Latin American and Caribbean Representatives to the HIC Board for the period 2023-2027 has been successfully concluded


We are pleased to inform you that the electoral process for the election of the Latin American and Caribbean Representatives to the HIC Board for the period 2023-2027 has been successfully concluded.

As stipulated, both the nomination and the voting were carried out via e-mail.

Two persons, representing HIC Member organizations, were nominated and accepted their nomination.

Facundo di Filippo, from Argentina, proposed to be the representative and Isadora Hastings, from Mexico, as the Alternate. They decided to run as a team, to work together on behalf of the membership of the region as presented in their campaign letters.

We drafted a call to vote to the membership to endorse the Facundo/Isadora team or to reject the proposal. During 10 days, we have received the votes.

Of the total of 45 voting organizations registered on the Latin American and Caribbean roster at the time of the election, 30 member organizations from 11 countries participated in this process: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.

The quorum for this election is, therefore, 66.7%.

Note: the team and its proposal were approved by 28 votes 93.3% of the votes), 1 vote against the proposal was received and 1 blank vote.

This result, as established in the electoral rules to guarantee gender balance, and in accordance with the candidate’s campaign proposal, validates Facundo di Filippo as Representative, while Isadora Hastings will be the Alternate.

We thank all the HIC Members in the region for their participation and congratulate Facundo and Isadora for the result.

We are sure that they will undertake this representation with great enthusiasm and responsibility.

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