The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal calls civil society organizations, States, local Governments, UN entities, National Human Rights Institutions, equality bodies, regional human rights mechanisms, and other actors to contribute to his forthcoming thematic reports to the General Assembly in 2021 and Human Rights Council in 2021 on discrimination and spatial segregation and the right to adequate housing.

UN SR inputs for report
The main objective of the two interlinked reports will be to identify contemporary and historical forms of discrimination and segregation that affect the right to adequate housing, to highlight good practices in the prevention of housing discrimination and segregation and to provide guidance to States and local Governments on how they can fulfil their human rights obligations in this respect.
What kind of contributions are welcome
The Special Rapporteur welcomes contributions on the following issues:
- Studies and information concerning barriers to the enjoyment of the right to adequate housing experienced by individuals and groups due to discrimination by public or private actors;
- Information concerning patterns and practices of segregation including spatial segregation in urban, rural and peri-urban contexts and the impacts of spatial inequality and segregation on affected communities;
- Impact of spatial segregation in accessing in a non-discriminatory manner the right to adequate housing, public services, including electricity and access to digital services, ensuring security of tenure, and other rights, such as the rights to water, sanitation, education, health, work, the right to a safe and clean environment, and the right to equal protection of the security of the person;
- Factors, policies, laws and regulations contributing to spatial segregation or housing discrimination;
- Policies, laws and measures aimed at preventing discrimination and spatial segregation in relation to the right to adequate housing. Positive measures that have resulted in a reduction of spatial segregation and housing discrimination.
How and when can I send contributions?
More information and a questionnaire in English | Français | Español is available here. Deadline for submissions is 30 April 2021.