UNIFEM announce the first call for proposals for the Fund for Gender Equality, that will accept applications from governmental and non-governmental organizations and/or partnerships between or within these sectors. Grants from the Fund for Gender Equality are highly competitive. The Fund will prioritize a maximum of 30 innovative, impact-oriented programmes from around the world.
Types of Grants Available
Potential grantees may apply for one of two types of grants:
Implementation Grants will range from US$2 million to US$5 million distributed over a period of two to four years. These grants will support programmes in countries with agreed upon national or local plans, policies or laws that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment and that are ready for implementation.
Catalytic Grants will range from US$100,000 to US$500,000 distributed over a period of one to two years. These grants will support the establishment of strategic coalitions or partnerships to catalyse the development and endorsement of gender equality national or local plans, policies or laws. Once a plan, policy or law is developed and endorsed, successful institutions will be eligible to apply in the future for a larger Implementation Grant.
For both types of grants, proposed programmes can encompass global, regional, national or local initiatives, but each must make the case that it contributes to the implementation of commitments to gender equality at national and/or local levels that will generate concrete and measurable results in the lives of women and girls during the programme period.
Timeline for Application Process
To apply for a grant, please read carefully the detailed guidelines (available below in 5 languages) before filling out and submitting an online application. The online application form will be available on this website starting 15 September 2009. The application deadline is 23:59 EDT (New York time) on 30 September 2009. The Fund’s Secretariat is providing the guidelines now to afford potential grantees the opportunity to start preparations for the submission process.
For full details, please link here.
If you have questions, please contact the Fund for Gender Equality Secretariat (New York) by e-mail at fund.genderequality@unifem.org