Video – Learning from and across African cities: Emancipatory pedagogies for transformative change


African cities are learning engines, yet, their pedagogic capacity to activate transformative change is still untapped.

This session reflected on transformative pedagogic practices that mobilise learning on forward-thinking ideas and impactful action for just urban development across African cities. Aiming to bridge the gap between social movements, grassroots organisations and progressive academic institutions across urban Africa, this session briought together critical actors in urban pedagogy as a ‘community of practice’ to share their experiences in generating transformative change through intersectional pedagogies.

Participants reflected collectively on the key pedagogic principles and practices required to support the next generation of urban champions to effect radical change towards urban justice.

Seeking to facilitate learning across these domains to overcome the digital divide and to collectively deliberate on the underlying principles and aspirations that enable these pedagogies to be transformative. Building on this collective reflection, the output of this session will be a Decalogue or set of pedagogic principles to guide pluralistic and transdisciplinary learning processes for the next generation of urban champions in Africa. Stay tunned!

Hosted by: KNOW Programme: “Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality” Programme in partnership with HIC and Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre, Ardhi University, and Makerere University, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Uganda, South Africa, Kenya, UK, India