World Social Forum 2010 starts with great event in the Greater Porto Alegre – Brazil


Celebrating its tenth year of existence, the World Social Forum (WSF), will take place in 2010 in a decentralized manner, with at least 27 regional, national and local events throughout the world over the next period (see agenda on the WSF official website).

Opening this process, the regional event "FSM 10 Years: Greater Porto Alegre" which is going to happen from January 25th to 29th in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, will have over 500 decentralized activities in the cities of Porto Alegre, Gravataí, Canoas, São Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo and Sapiranga.
Given the importance of the date and the event itself, the presence of some heads of state is waited (Lula, Evo Morales, Mojica and Fernando Lugo), as well as several ministers and prominent politicians (Dilma Rouseff, Marina Silva, Heloisa Helena and Ciro Gomes) which have already expressed their interest in accepting invitations to activities during the event.
Seminar discusses 10 years of World Social Forum
One of the core activities of the Greater Porto Alegre Social Forum is the International Seminar "10 Years Later: Challenges and proposals for another possible world" which will feature more than 70 intellectuals and social leaders around the world – many of whom have integrated the process of creation and construction of the World Social Forum (WSF) in the last ten years.
The seminar, held in the city of Porto Alegre, aims to examine the new challenges of alter-globalist civil society and to design future directions to be followed by the WSF. It also aims to provide a more systematic reflection on what has been done thus far, mistakes and successes, and the WSF institutional dynamics, becoming thus a moment of strategic thinking addressed to the activists most involved in the process.
Program of the Seminar "10 years later: challenges and proposals for another possible world"


1st day, January 25World Social Forum – Examining the last 10 years

2nd day, January 26World conjuncture today
Table 1: Environmental Conjuncture
Table 2: Economic Conjuncture
Table 3: Political Conjuncture
Table 4: Social Conjuncture

3rd day, January 27Elements of a new agenda I
Table 1: Common Goods
Table 2: Common Goods
Table 3: Economy and Gratuity
Table 4: Good Life

4th day, January 28Elements of a new agenda II
Table 1: State Organization and political power
Table 2: Rights and Collective Responsibilities
Table 3: New World Order
Table 4: How to Construct Political Hegemony
5th day, January 29Systematizing big issues and contributing to the World Social Forum process

TOWARDS DAKAR 2011: the multiplicity of forums

Pan-Amazonic Forum
Americas Social Forum
African Social Forum
Maghreb Social Forum
Stateless Peoples Forum
Palestine Forum
European Social Forum
United States Social Forum
Crisis of Civilization Forum



– São Paulo:, phone: (11) 9853-9950 – (Verena Glass)

– Porto Alegre:, phone: (51) 3433.1233 / (51) 9317.0862 – (Luciana Borba)

More information:

Greater Porto Alegre Social Forum official website
Seminar "10 years later" official blog