1) Multiple activities across the world to mark the WSF’s 10th birthday celebrations in 2010
In 2010, the World Social Forum will celebrate the 10 years of its process. To mark this date, the WSF International Council decided in its last meeting, held in May in Rabat, Morocco, that in the following year the WSF will hold multiple activities throughout the world year-round. The IC suggested using the global crisis theme to give the 2010 WSF process a common identity.
Learn more at: http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/noticias_01.php?cd_news=2567&cd_language=2
2) The next edition of WSF to be held in Dakar, Senegal, Africa, in 2011
The last WSF International Meeting, held last May, approved to hold the next World Social Forum in Dakar, in Senegal in 2011. According to the African Social Forum, the Dakar proposal is supported by several social movements in Africa, like feminist organizations and trade unions.
Learn more at: http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/noticias_01.php?cd_news=2568&cd_language=2
3) Quebec Social Forum to be held from October 9th to 12th
From October 9th to 12th the second edition of the Quebec Social Forum will be held in Canada. More than six thousand people are expected to participate.
Website of the event: http://www.forumsocialquebecois.org
Check out the complete mobilization calendar of the second semester: http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/noticias_01.php?cd_news=2569&cd_language=2
4) 2009 WSF
a) Assemblies’ Results
During the sixth day of the 2009 WSF, the main stage at UFRA (Universidade Federal Rural do Amazonas) gathered thousands of activists and representatives of social movements and organizations in thematic assemblies, whose declarations were presented at the end of the day in the Assembly of the Assemblies:
To learn more about the results of the assemblies, check out at: http://openfsm.net/projects/resultfsm2009/lista-de-asambleas
b) Media coverage
The World Social Forum had a significant coverage in the global media: 800 media vehicules coming from 30 different countries. About 2500 journalists and other media professionals were in Belém and 2000 more did long-distance coverage of the event.
You can have an idea of this coverage with a clipping of what has been published in the internet, available at: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf09-pressclips/project-home
The Belém WSF was also a place for the process of independent media participation, through shared media projects. Check out what has been published:
– Ciranda – http://www.ciranda.net/spip/rubrique37.html
– Radio Forum – http://www.foroderadios.org/index.php
– WSF TV – http://www.wsftv.net/
c) Certificate of Participation
Participants of the 2009 WSF: click here to download and print your certificate. http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/download/certificados_participantes-2009.pdf