Impulse WSF process where one lives and act for another possible
word – prepare an activity out of Tunis before during or after 24 28
is a collective dynamics aiming at providing access to the right to participate
in the WSF process “from where we live and act for another possible
world”. “extended” participation modalities have developed since
2009 : collective video-conference, meeting on enlargement o meetings on
internet , WSF internet café, “local” activities, that is to say, far
from the center of the WSF event.
WSF event Tunis 2015 has an ” extended ” format to
allow the widest possible participation from people and organizations that wish
to participate in the World Social Forum process, wherever they are on the
planet. Website Http://registration.fsm2015.org
allows registration of activities “outside Tunis ‘and’ video conferences
with Tunis”
“extension” commission is responsible for facilitating the extension
dynamics for WSF2015:
1 / It provides
information on extended participation modalities in
WSF2015 on www.fsm2015.org and www.openfsm.net websites
2 / It
accompanies, months in advance, the “extension actors”
which are:
– on the one hand, people who are not coming to Tunis on 24-28 March 2015, and
wish, with their organization, to set up in their city local WSF2015
activities, video-conferences with people in Tunis, WSF internet Café spots,
etc ..
– on the
other hand, people coming to Tunis on 24-28 March 2015, and wishing to
contribute to local activities before leaving for Tunis, or to enlarge on the
internet their activities in Tunis to involve their networks, or to volunteer
for remote interventions in local activities during or after their stay in
To make
yourself visible from the commission, as a potential participant in the WSF
extension dynamics, you can answer 3 questions on the online form here.
3 / the
commission cares, in cooperation with other committees (logistics and program)
about preparing
the reception, direct or via internet, of actors of extension on the El Manar
campus. It ensures that a quality Internet connection is accessible as
widely as possible on campus for enlargement on the internet of WSF2015 program
It runs
a “tele-center WSF 2015”: a set of rooms dedicated to host collective
video conference activities, with a specific programming, and host main room
WSF internet café Tunis, which includes also WSF internet café spots on the
rest of the campus
4 / Within
the commission, we divide volunteers tasks to inform about the extension, to
support the other commissions in enlarging their meetings on internet, to
accompany the actors of the extension in the preparation of their extended
activities, to preparing schemes and modalities for hosting and
supporting extension in el Manar campus, on March 24 to 28.
To do
this, we use
a collaborative workspace in www.openfsm.net, you
can visit: http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2015.
register on the list of the commission extension, go to: http://fsm2015.org/node/add/commission
* To participate click