I will dedicate my first report to the General Assembly, in October 2020, to #COVID__19 and the right to housing. You can send your inputs before 19 June 2020. For all details, please this thread pic.twitter.com/r0a03zRB2D
— UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing (@adequatehousing) May 27, 2020
The Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Mr. Balakrishnan Rajagopal, invites National Human Rights Institutions, civil society organisations, networks, UN agencies and inter-governmental entities, local governments, and others with relevant information to share contributions and inputs for his first report to the UN General Assembly.
Protecting human rights during and after the COVID-19
Several Special Procedure mandate holders will focus their forthcoming thematic reports to the United Nations Human Rights Council or the General Assembly on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of human rights. The questionnaire is meant to assist the human rights experts to obtain information and elaborate comprehensive recommendations on the measures taken by national, federal and local governments to protect their population and ensure the enjoyment of human rights, including particular groups at risk of discrimination or social exclusion, such as older persons, persons in situation of homelessness, women, children, persons with disabilities people of African Descent, domestic and migrant workers, LGBT persons, persons subjected to contemporary forms of slavery, and people living in poverty or experiencing poverty as a consequence of the crisis, as well as indigenous peoples.1
In order to facilitate responding to questions by Special Procedures, a joint questionnaire has been developed including a list of common questions and specific thematic questions responding to information required by participating mandates.
Who should respond to the questionnaire/call for contributions?
The mandate holders invite States, regional and local governments, international and regional organizations, National Human Rights Institutions, equality bodies, and civil society organizations, UN agencies, funds and programmes and other interested stakeholders to share relevant information for their respective reports.
How and where to submit inputs
Inputs may be sent via e-mail or by filling out the online-questionnaire available in English, French and Spanish.
All submissions must be received by 19 June 2020.