Latest updates about HIC Presidency
Message from the HIC Presidency on World Habitat Day and Urban October 2024
Engaging young people to realize their human right to housing and land through Social Production of Habitat Click here to see the the page of the Urban October website: [...]
HIC’s President message on the occasion of International Women’s Day
Women are special. They nurture humanity, care and support the family unit and make the world a better place for all. The struggle for women’s equality started over a century [...]
Result of HIC President 2024-2028 Election
Dear HIC Members, Friends and Partners, The Electoral Committee is pleased to inform the result of HIC Presidential Election process that took place between 28 August 2023 and 20 December [...]
Call to vote for HIC President 2024-2028
Message available in Arabic here الرسالة متاحة باللغة العربية هنا The Electoral Committee is pleased to invite all the HIC Members with right to vote to elect the HIC President [...]
Your candidates for the position of HIC President 2024-2028
We are pleased to inform that the Nomination step of the Presidential Election 2024-2028 has been successfully completed. According to the requirements of the HIC founding Documents, and after a [...]
Reminder: Tomorrow is the latest day to nominate your candidate for HIC Presidency 2024-2028
Dear Members of Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Warm regards from the Electoral Committee (EC) that is conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2023-2028 mandate. We would like to [...]
HIC President election: Extension of deadline for candidates’ nomination
Below you will find the message from the Electoral Committee to HIC Members regarding the Presicency Elections Process: Dear Members of Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Receive the warm regards of [...]
12 days left to nominate your candidate for HIC Presidency 2024-2028
Warm regards from the Electoral Committee (EC) that is conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2023-2028 mandate. We would like to remind you that only [...]
Call on HIC Members with right to nominate candidates for the HIC Presidency election 2023-2028
Dear Members of Habitat International Coalition (HIC), Warm regards from the Electoral Committee (EC) that is conducting the process for the election of the next HIC President for the 2023-2028 [...]
HIC announces the set up of the Presidential Electoral Committee
The current term of Adriana Allen, HIC President, will expire in few months. The next four-year term will run from 2024 through 2028. The ongoing election process is being coordinated [...]