Women in their full diversity have the agency to claim their right to housing and land
One day is not enough
As in every year, on the 8th of March, we celebrate International Women’s Day. However, one day is not Enough to advance women’s and girls’ rights in all spheres of life. Women and girls around the world are permanently leading the fight for the protection of human rights for all, playing a key role in community leadership and the protection and collective management of essential resources.
This International Women’s Day and during the whole month of March
We want to highlight that improving women’s access to use of and control over land and productive resources is essential for ensuring women’s equality and enjoyment of human rights related to habitat
Let’s make our voices be heard: Women care, have voice, agency and rights
Thus, this international Women’s Day, we call for fair redistribution, recognition and parity of political participation for all women across the world, regardless of their race, age, class, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or mental and physical ability.

Because gender disparities continue being alarming and cross-cutting:
Women are targeted victims of violence at home and in contexts of conflict and environmental disasters, climate change and conflict disproportionally undermines women’s health, education and livelihoods.
In relation to housing and land:
- Less than 15 % of the world’s landholders are women;
- In large portions of the world they are systematically denied access and rights to land;
- Tenure insecurity increases their physical, social, and economic vulnerability
- These issues are heightened by the large gender gap that remains in women’s access to decision-making and leadership
Join us in celebrating the struggles and leadership of women and girls’ in all their diversity in claiming the rights to housing and land!
This is how our March looks like

HIC Side event at the 67th Commission on Women
HIC will join the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women with a side-event focused on the role of digital Inclusion for achieving gender equality in the access, use, ownership and control of land and habitat related rights. The session will explore the role of digital learning and facilitate the cross-regional exchange of experience of community-led social and technological innovations for equitable, safer and democratic cities.
The in-person event will take place on Wednesday, 8th March 2023 from 4:30PM EST at the Church Center for the United Nations (CCUN) 11th Floor.

Podcast Episodes from the co-learning spaces on feminist approaches
How do HIC Members and Allies learn cross-regionally to strengthen our collective advocacy muscles on feminist approaches to habitat? Over six months through a facilitated mutual-learning process, HIC members came together to discuss and learn about the different manners and strategies that women across the world have been developing to protect and claim their housing and land rights, as well as connecting on how to further develop and complement these.
Now all these experiences and learnings will be available on a podcast series that will be released during March, to engage more people in this learning journey.

Stories where women are the protagonist in defending housing and land rights
The list of women who, from the history and present of our Coalition, have and continue to struggle to make visible the role, experiences and rights of women and girls to be respected is long. The intention of this initiative is to publicly disseminate, recognize and value their work.
We aim to make visible, recognize and celebrate the work of those women and collectives within HIC Membership and Allied organizations that fight for our rights related to habitat and social justice.
Let’s make our voices be heard
Get inspired by other stories from women who defend and realize our human rights related to habitat
- Video about the emancipatory power of feminist pedagogies implemented in the project from CISCSA – ‘Voices of diverse women for safe, inclusive and sustainable cities’ in Córdoba, Argentina
- They put up and they tear down walls: The experience of women from La Plata who build their homes with the construction systems developed by CEVE-CONICET
- Women Informal Workers: the story of women that work with WIEGO leading cooperatives to improve the live of women
- Testimonies of the women of Tehuantepec, protagonists in the integral and social reconstruction of the habitat.
- Women builders: tools for self-construction with Madre Tierra, Argentina